Our new Shed is Taking Shape!



All ready for Show Day 2021...



NOVEMBER 20th 2021.





The Old Shed comes down....one page closers...a new


chapter begins.


Federal funding announced April 2019

Volunteers do an amazing amount of work to raise funds and keep community events happening across Gippsland.
So it’s great to be able to give them a hand... today I was proud to announce $250,000 from the Federal Government for a new exhibition and storage shed at the Yarram Showgrounds.
Yarram Agricultural Society treasurer Bec Morton showed me around the old shed this morning. The building has been patched up so many times that it’s now beyond repair and desperately needs replacing.
The Yarram Show is an important event for locals and people from surrounding districts to come together and celebrate their achievements, relax and have some fun.
When it's built later this year, the new exhibition shed will become a valuable community asset, not least f


Trade Site form 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 228.3 KB
Community - Not For Profit Booking Site
Adobe Acrobat Document 333.1 KB
2024 Sponsorship Package SV.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 306.0 KB
Colouring Comp 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 629.4 KB